
I'll burn it down, and build it up better

 將過去燃燒殆盡 重塑成更好的自己 

Sometimes it hurts to forget the past

 有時候忘掉過去 讓人傷神 

And i'm tired of waiting for something to happen with you


And i'm trying to save it, but deep down there's nowhere to move

 我已試圖挽回 但已無路可退 

And i'm getting lost, soaked to the bones

 我迷失了方向 渾身濕透 

With nothing to prove


I'm covered in hope, i'm feeling with doubt

 滿懷希望 又充滿懷疑 

That i'm not over you, no i'm not over you

 我是否還在乎你? 不,我仍無法停止想你 

So why burn it down, to build it up better

 為何要燒光這一切 為了打造更好的自己 

Sometimes it hurts to forget the past

 有時候忘掉過去 讓人傷神 

I'll burn it down And bring it back stronger

 我會將過去燃燒至盡 讓自己更堅強 

Sometimes it's screwed to forget the past

 有時候忘記過往 是如此痛苦 

And i'm taking your words, my heart in the palm of your hands

 我相信你給的承諾 將我的心全放在你的手心上 

And i'm putting my trust in an entire half-empty glass

 這就像是將信任放在半空的瓶子裡 得不到回報 

And i'm getting tired of making excuses to find it won't last

 我已經厭倦 找藉口安慰自己這不會是最後一次 

I'm covered in hope, feeling with doubt

 滿懷希望 卻充滿懷疑 

That  i'm not the last, no i'm not the last

 我不是最後一個 這是無止盡的巡迴 


So why burn it down, to build it up better

 為何要燒光這一切 為了打造更好的自己 

Sometimes it hurts to forget the past

 有時候忘掉過去 讓人傷神 

I'll burn it down And bring it back stronger

 我會將過去燃燒至盡 讓自己更堅強 

Sometimes it's screwed to forget the past

 有時候忘記過往 是錐心的疼 






What’s inspiring you when you’re writing music?


All the songs are love songs, but they’re love songs about my Dad, rather than it being about an ex it’s about missing my Dad. It’s obviously very accessible to people but at the same time for me it’s got that tinge of personality.




    Billy Lockett Burn It Down
    創作者 雲日記 的頭像

    雲日記|My Cloudy Diary

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