

I used to shut my door when my mother screamed in the kitchen

我總是重重的摔上門 當我的母親在廚房大聲斥罵 

I turned the music up, get high and try not to listen to every little fight

我把音量調高 沉浸在自己的世界裡 不去聽那些爭吵

'Cause neither one was right

因為沒有人是對的 他們都有錯 

I swore I'd never be like them


But I was just a kid back then



The older I get the more that I see

當我越長越大 我懂得越來越多

My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me

父母不是超級英雄 他們就像我一樣平凡

Loving is hard, it don't always work

「愛」是艱難的 也不總是起作用 

You just try your best not to get hurt

你只能竭盡所能 別讓自己受傷

I used to be mad but now I know

我以前總是無理取鬧 但我現在明白 

Sometimes it's better to let someone go

有時放手 是最好的解決方法

It just hadn't hit me yet


The older I get


I used to wonder why, why they can never be happy

我曾經想過 為什麼大人都不快樂

I used to close my eyes and pray for a whole 'nother family

我閉上眼睛 祈禱我能有個更完整的家庭

Where everything was fine, one that felt like mine

那會是十分美好的光景 那本是我該擁有的

I swore I'd never be like them


But I was just a kid back then



The older I get the more that I see

當我越長越大 我漸漸看懂這個世界

My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me

父母不是萬能的 他們和我一樣平凡

Loving is hard, it don't always work

「去愛」很難 也不總是能夠「被愛」

You just try your best not to get hurt

你只能竭盡所能 不讓自己受傷

I used to be mad but now I know

我曾憤怒張狂 但我現在明白

Sometimes it's better to let someone go

有些人、有些事 最好的祝福就是放手

It just hadn't hit me yet


The older I get

但我總會成長 慢慢理解

The older I get the more that I see

當我越長越大 我漸漸看懂這個世界

My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me

父母不是萬能的 他們和我一樣平凡

Loving is hard, it don't always work

「去愛」很難 也不總是能夠「被愛」

You just try your best not to get hurt

你只能竭盡所能 不讓自己受傷

I used to be mad but now I know

我曾憤怒張狂 但我現在明白

Sometimes it's better to let someone go

有些人、有些事 最好的祝福就是放手

It just hadn't hit me yet


The older I get

但我總會成長 慢慢理解











    創作者 雲日記 的頭像

    雲日記|My Cloudy Diary

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